Consumerism pt 1.

Every year Brooke and I have a discussion about Christmas and it's meaning. And every year I think that somehow I am missing "it". We as Americans, as Christian Americans, have lost the real meaning of His, Jesus', birth. You know? And of course I know part of this season is about family and community...but there is more. It's more than gifts, trees, food, family and friends. We as Americans are the richest people in the history of the world and what do we do? We obsess over what we don’t have!

There is a counterfeit "christmas" story that culture is telling us: when we get what we want, we will be satisfied, Happy. This lie pervades our marriages, families, neighbors, friends & local churches.

Hang with me for a moment...
Last year during the holidays, as we celebrated our Messiah's birth, Americans spent a record 154 billion dollars(this is a conservative number). That is roughly $795.86 per person. Every year we spend 18 billion dollars on make up; 15 billion dollars on perfume; 17 billion dollars on pet food...and the list goes on.

To be continued...
Check out this video: